Around the Dating World in 90 Days – Date 1


I’m committing to 90 days of social dating in order to

  1. Learn more about myself to gain clarity on who and what makes me happy and fulfilled in a romantic partnership
  2. Relax and have a great time

Bachelor #1
Location: Seasons 52

  1. On a level of 1-10 (1=We barely speak the same language, 10=We must know each other from past lives), rate your connection:Ā 5
  2. Did I enjoy myself? Yes.
  3. Do I like what he does for a living? Yes
  4. Does he care about self-development? Yes
  5. Did he treat me with kindness and respect? Yes
  6. Highlight: When he said I was one of the most genuine and transparent people he’s ever met

What did I learn about myself on this date?
I learned that my company is valuable and enjoyed by a man who, for a living, trains professional athletes, has his own business, and writes books. And he wants to see me again and vice versa.

Takeaway: I am awesome.

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